Every day can make a difference! Despite the fact it appears your destiny vanished somewhere between Kansas and Oz, there is still time for New Life, to change your appearance, attitude, and approach towards life. No matter what problems you are encountering, tomorrow is predestined to change for the better and one day closer to your purpose.
The Soul’s Remedy came into existence 365 days ago based on storms in my life. My first post was After the Storm I had come to the conclusion that in spite of how much praying and church going an individual may do, there will be unpleasant circumstances in life. After finally conceding and taking the advice from my friend Trenton, I begin chronicling my life. Not as he suggested but the negative as a way of justifying my pain and self-pity. In hind site, I realized the pain, frustration, confusion, as well as barriers were all placed in my path by me, which impeded me from moving forward. To God I give the Glory for he saw something far better; turning a negative into a positive not just for me but for readers’ world wide!
There is a purpose set for each of our lives. Allow God to use you even during your storms. Paul’s cry for relief from his thorn in the side God reminded him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness “2 Cor. 12:9. Understand, when you are weak, then you are strong based on your faith and belief in the power of God’s Grace & Mercy.
God has used me as an instrument to write devotions as a mean of encouragement for others. Likewise, by taking the steps to connect with God, walking in faith and praising his Holy Name, you to can be used in a mighty and miraculous way!
Father God, allow the Holy Spirit to touch and heal your children who are experiencing storms which to appear be out of control. Bring peace, comfort, and reassurance in their life. May they connect and reach their purpose you preordained. Amen