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Friday, January 24, 2020

Will you die for Jesus?

As American “Christians” we don’t talk or give much thought of dying in the name Of Jesus. In my opinion, more emphasis are placed on material things and what God can do for us opposed to thinking about dying in the name of Jesus. Truth be told we are selfish about living. What would you do if a stranger was in need? Would you sacrifice yourself and help? Would you think twice before rescuing a drowning person, pull a victim from a burning house or die a martyrs death in the name of Jesus? We don’t talk about these things, but people in many countries around the world die or is placed in prison daily because of their Christian faith. While Churches are destroyed or vandalized worldwide we boast of our walk with Jesus, how deep our faith is and the steadfastness of “as long as I have King Jesus” everything is ok. I pose the question again, what would you do if faced with any of these scenarios? Would you face death like John the Baptist (Matt. 14:1-13)? Or would you deny Christ so that you may live? Don’t be afraid to acknowledge God especially when facing death. It is written; Everyone who acknowledges Christ publicly on earth, He will acknowledge before his Father in heaven. But he who denies, will also be denied before God (10:31-33). There will come a day many of us will be persecuted in the name of Jesus. Will you deny yourself, bear the cross and die for Christ or deny Christ so you can spare your life. The choice is yours. One day we all will have to reply. One way or another. 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

It’s ok to forgive

There is an unwillingness to forgive from most people. Their refusal to forgive becomes a continuous reminder of the past which siphons life, growth, and happiness. Forgiveness is more about healing you not the other person. Forgiveness enables God to heal you mentally, and spiritually. We are reminded of how important it is to forgive each time you recite The Lord’s Prayer. When we learn to forgive others God will also forgive our wrongs/sins (Mat. 6:9-15). Otherwise when we choose not to forgive, why should God forgive you? For every hurt encountered only you know the pain and sorrow suffered. But Every effort must be made to align with God’s word. It’s okay to forgive so you can heal. You don’t have to face the person to forgive just tell God! You forgive so that you can be forgiven and begin healing with God. 

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Let go of the past

You are 18 days into 2020 what have you let go of from 2019? Have you picked it up again? One of the most difficult things to give up is anger. Anger can lead to the blame game which causes arguing and always wanting to be right. An unwillingness to forgive will eventually destroy a perfectly good relationship. Remember, Whatever you focus on you strengthen. What’s in your heart flows out your mouth. From the fruits of your mouth you are either filled with good or bad words. Before you blame someone take ownership of situation. Learn not to argue. Be quite. Walk away. Most important stop arguing. Say a quick prayer. There will be days when it's HARD to PRAY. That's the time to PRAY.

Friday, January 17, 2020

You have a ministry!

Call it would you want, we all have a ministry. Through the world’s secular lens, they are recognized as gifts, talents, and skill sets. However we paint the picture, in God’s eyes it’s our ministry!  With our gift it’s our responsibility to shine light into darkness. Our gifts are tools to help others to see God’s awesomeness! Through our gifts we become a conduit to connect others to God. We were not given talents to hide or for self gratification (Matt 25:14–30). They are to be used according to our ability to help others. The journey will not be easy. We will be pressured mentally, physically, and spiritually, but not crushed. Verbally persecuted but not destroyed. WE have a ministry so don’t lose heart (2 Cor. 4:1). Let your light shine so your gifts may seen. 

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Enjoying God

Have you ever noticed people intentionally or unintentionally beckons others to join them in Praise? If it’s the acknowledgement of a person; “isn’t she beautiful?” The recognition of a spectacular sport event; “did you see that catch!?” Whatever the occasion, we express some form of enjoyment and praise. God’s requests from us are easy. We make them tough to implement. God asked us to take delight in him (Psalm 37:4). Taking delight means that we should gain satisfaction, enjoy him, and have some form of pleasure in doing so. We spend more time complaining, questioning, or requesting from God. Just as we find ways to express joy for carnal activities, find time to express joy to God. Praise him in your quite space as well as in public. Just as we express enjoyment for entertainment likewise do it for God. In return for your joyful expression, God will give you the desires of your heart. In all things do it willingly. 

Monday, January 6, 2020

Before I die....

We don’t talk about death until we encounter its sting. Conversations about death are avoided, yet we are born to die. Over the holidays several family members and friends were called home. Some from sickness, longevity of life and some from senseless and violent deaths. Each caused a chasm in the heart which no word can fill. Only time and God. We spend countless hours worrying about Frivolous things which don’t bring true joy: money, jobs, and bills. We find excuses why we don’t take trips to see friends and loved ones. We lose focus of God’s gifts to us. LIFE, love, and family. Death has reminded me, LIFE is about living well every day you have been given. It has reminded me to think about what has brought meaning to my LIFE. Today, I challenge you to Reconnect to what brought you Godly joy. If it’s family, reconnect with loved ones as Jacob requested to do with his son, Joseph (Genesis 45:28.) whatever the joy, reconnect. Don’t let death be the only family gathering time. 


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