The Souls Remedy Ministries Donations

Monday, March 25, 2019

Words are like fire

Harsh words hurt. When sowed in the spirit, they can harvest hatred and anger.  “You are just like your father”, you are dumb, a failure, no good, an idiot.” Words reverberate in the spirit like an echo. The bible tells us the tongue is fire; it is evil and can corrupt the whole body (Jas 3:1-6). Be mindful of the words you speak. Your words can ruin a person for life! In anger, people say damaging expressions. Once spoken the words echo in the recipient’s mind planting seeds of doubt and disbelief. Watch the words that you say. They can be a matter of life or death. 

Thursday, March 21, 2019

The power of light

It takes more power to generate light than noise. People make a lot noise for God. Exalting admiration and claiming their goodness before others (Lk. 18:11).

Jesus attested boastful arrogance. He called them hypocrites; they honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from him (Mrk. 7:6-7). Jesus said we are the light of the world (Matt 5: 14-17). Like a city on a hill should be able to see the God in you through your actions not your lip service. 

Be quite. Do more in Jesus name and others will see your God light shine. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The end result

I love a good pound cake! I even love the ingredients in the cake. But when eggs, butter, sugar and flour are isolated in raw form most don’t taste good. 

Such is life. We all are going through something. When we go at it alone it doesn’t feel good. We often give up and sometimes blame others. 

When all the ingredients are folded and worked in properly together it’s all for a good cake! Likewise, allow God to work in our lives just like the cake. Don’t let your troubles separate you from God. You are conquers through Christ who loves you! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Mustard Seed Faith

Jesus emphasized the importance of faith. Jesus responded to a person’s level of faith. 

A few times faith was transferable from one person to heal another. The four men and a paralyzed friend (Lk 5:17-26), 
The Faith of the Centurion (Lk 7:1-10). 

Jesus saw their faith and healed! Peter’s faith enabled him to walk on water as long as he didn’t doubt. 

We, with little faith must remember God is greater than whatever we are facing. Exercise your mustard seed faith until it grows. 

Friday, March 15, 2019

Do not judge

How quick we judge others based on our beliefs.
We condemn and criticize, before we love or forgive the ‘convicted.’ 

We conveniently forget we are not to judge others, or we will be judged with the same measure used (Matt. 7:1-2). 

We live our lives no different than the Pharisees. We see the ‘speck’ in others eyes but miss the ‘log’ in our own.

The story of the sinful woman (Lk. 7:36-50), depicts how we often become judge, jury, and deity over others and neglect the fact there is something we have done that has fallen short of Pleasing God.

We should show more love to others because through Jesus we have been forgiven! He who has been forgiven little loves little. 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Never take the journey alone

Your life’s journey was not design for you to travel alone. 

Though it is you who has to go the course, surround yourself with those who will help and encourage you along the way. Likewise, seek God. For He can order your steps as well as send Angels to help along the way. 

When we go alone and things don’t go our way, we tend to blame God for the outcome. In all things seek God’s will. Seek his guidance. Never take the Journey alone. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

What is your character

The Good Samaritan in Jesus’ parable was a trusted man with good character traits(Lk 10:25-37). 

His willingness to stay over night and care for an injured man exemplifies this (Lk 10:35). His ability to leave funds with innkeeper also signifies his honest reputation preceded him. Either he has done this before or the innkeeper knows his character.  The Samaritan could be trusted. (Lk 10:36). 

What are your character traits? Who do people people see? A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches. 
Jesus was a man with impeccable character. He asked for us to imitate him. In all your doings be a Good Samaritan. Be Christ Like. 

Imitating Christ’s Humility


As Christians we strive to be Christ like. Yet, when the opportunity arises, most times we ignore. 

Paul said we should imitate Jesus’ humility. Do nothing out of selfish ambition. We should “Value others above ourselves” (Philippians 2:1-8). Whatever we do for others, do it without grumbling. 

During this Lenten season, instead of giving up something, do something. My Pastor, Rev. Vandy Simmons suggested we should be more like the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37). Show genuine concern for others. If we are truly striving to be Christ Like we cannot look out for our own interests. We have to learn to put others first,albeit friends or strangers. 

So, what can you do? Cook a meal for someone? Take to the doctor? Visit? Pray? Whatever it is, imitate Christ’s humility. 

Monday, March 4, 2019

When God Seems Far Away

We often miss hearing the voice of God because of busyness.

 Overburdened with work, children and even church can make it difficult to recognize God’s presence. 

The debate of Martha and Mary. When Jesus arrived, Martha chose to work in the kitchen while Mary sat at Jesus feet (Lk 10:38-42).  

Being busy doesn’t equate to godliness. You can miss connecting with God when your calendar is over booked. Take time and connect with God daily. 

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Don’t Forget God

Why are people so ungrateful?

When answered prayers are granted most are no different than the 9 lepers who failed to thank Jesus for healing them (Luke 17:11-20). When wants go unanswered many become frustrated with God. In everything, don’t forget God! After 40 years in the wilderness 

God reminded the children of Israel once you are satisfied don’t forget to praise the Lord (Deut. 8:1-20). If you are currently in a wilderness or have built great wealth; don’t forget God. Be grateful for every blessing. Learn to praise and thank God more.  


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