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Saturday, February 29, 2020

It’s time to lose your religion

Religion has ran many people away from God. Our judgmental attitudes and preconceived thoughts of people have caused us to lose souls that could have been won! The Pharisee Simon in the story of the sinful woman depicts most Christians (Luke 7:36-50). We see the faults of others and refuse to accept them because of their sinful past. Stop judging. Remember your past was not sin free! Someone had to forgive and accept you! Be loving. Be kind. Be forgiving, just like Christ. 

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Which path to take?

There is a fork in the road. Which path should you take? Your way or God’s way? 
Our path is led by our own understanding. Our desires. Short lived hopes and expectations. God’s path is often not the most traveled but it yields the greatest reward. Wisdom and most importantly God’s protection. David lacked for nothing as long as he seeked God. David working without God kept him in perpetual fear and constant running. Solomon had an opportunity to ask for anything in the world yet he asked for wisdom (1kings 3:7-13). Today you face a fork in the road. Job, relationship, finance, or health. The list goes on. Make a conscious decision right now to take GOD’S WAY and NOT YOUR WAY. Seek God. Trust God. Lean not to your understanding. Acknowledge him. He will direct your path. His word is a lamp, a guide to your path. Take God’s path. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Facing life’s good and bad situations


Good Morning!

"Where did all the blue skies go? Oil wasted on the ocean, fish full of mercury, Ah things ain’t what they use to be."  The world has changed so much during our lifetime. It's a sad sight to see. The skies are grey and the waters are polluted.  It's also a stark reminder of how careless we have become with our environment and how much we need to change if we want to see blue skies again.


Life can be difficult and filled with sorrow, but it is important to remember that you will endure. Just as a flower needs both the sun and the rain to grow, so too do we need both the good and the bad in our lives. It is wonderful that even though they are opposites, they are both essential to our growth. With this in mind, you can be sure that even in the toughest of times, you will be able to make it through because God's word reminds us of that. He said that he is our refuge and that He would never leave us nor forsake us.


“Over and over you can be sure there will be sorrow but you will endure. Where there's a flower there's the sun and the rain Oh and its wonderful there both one in the same.“


Throughout our existence we are confronted with good and bad situations and it is up to us to decide how to handle them. Marvin Gaye and Frankie Beverly have poetically enlightened us of life’s balances through song, reminding us that we can’t have good without bad or joy without pain.


God also made it clear through Solomon in Ecclesiastes 7:14, that no matter what comes to pass in life, we should be happy during the good times as well as the bad. It is up to us to choose how we want to deal with the situations we are confronted with, and it is important to remember that we can always look to music and scripture for guidance.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Be a testimony for God

God has a way of getting our attention. And when he does the experience can be life changing. A young man I see often in passing told he had been shot five times - three times in the arm and twice in the back. For the young man The ordeal, only a week old and still impressionable, kept thanking God for saving him. For this young man, it took a near fatal encounter to recognize God’s grace and mercy. The young man’s blessing was he lived another day to tell me of how God blessed and saved his life. It should not take a tragic moment before you testify of God’s goodness. Every testimony given becomes a blessing for someone. Go and tell the good news. Allow God to use 
you as a testimony for others. 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

You are the apple of God’s eye

God has not dealt with us according to transgressions. Stop and think of all the things you have done. If God would have punished us according to our sins we would not be here. David broke just about every commandment of God. Yet God still thought of David as a man after his heart (1 Sam. 13:14). David’s life’s circumstances we long. His self-inflicting conflicts often pulled him away from God. He tried dealing with the issues his way and not God’s way. Psalms 17:w8 reminds us that despite life’s Turmoils you can always call on God. David prayed asking that he can remain the ‘apple of God’s eye’. That means David realizes he is already the apple of God’s eye. God is watching over him. God knows all and sees all. He is waiting on us to be like David. Go humbly unto God ask for forgiveness. Despite all the sins David committed, he knew how to seek God’s forgiveness. God has not dealt with us according to our iniquities yet he continues to bless us. That’s Grace & Mercy. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Facing Giants alone

One of the most popular stories in the Bible is David and Goliath. The GIANT that terrified an entire nation. We all face GIANTS individually and as a nation. Some would argue war, drugs, or gang violence is today’s GIANT. Others may debate our president is our GIANT. Regardless of what it is, it’s how you face the GIANT that matters. David never saw Goliath as a GIANT yet the people ran with fear every time they saw him (1 Sam. 17:24.) Today is no different, whenever our ‘GIANTS’ appear on the news we cry out in fear. David was not in denial, he knew Goliath was a GIANT, standing over 9 feet tall (1 Sam. 17:4.) He focused on GOD his source not the GIANT the problem. David spoke continuously over his GIANT with GOD’S word (1Sam. 17:45-46.) What GIANTS are you facing? As a child of God and as a church family, face the GIANT like David. Speak over the GIANTS with GOD’S word. Stop speaking what you see but speak with what you know and believe; The Word of GOD. Walk by faith not by sight. 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Maintain your peace

Keeping your thoughts on God is the easiest way to maintain peace. Peace is the one thing no one can ever take from you. However when the days of dismay roll in and you focus on the problems and not God you will lose your peace. When Jesus walked on water the disciples became fearful like many of us do when strange things happen in life. When chaos rise, do as Jesus told the disciples “take courage! Don’t be afraid” (Matt. 14:27).  Of course we question God like Peter did. “Lord, if it’s you,” tell me to come to you on the water” (Matt. 14:28.) the most important part of life and Peter’s miraculous water walking; as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus he walked on water. It’s when he took his eyes off and starting doing it his way he begin to sink. 
No matter where you are in life don’t lose your peace. Keep all eyes on God. If you happen to blink too long, know Jesus is right there ready to reach out his hand and catch you! 


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