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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Am I My Brother’s Keeper?

Submitted by: Keith Johnson - Guest Writer
Read Geneses 4:1-15

…Am I my brother’s keeper Geneses 4:8

Are you your brother’s keeper?

Everyone has heard that question before. It would appear to be a simple question that should be able to be answered one of two ways. Yes or no.  The answer given may not be as straightforward as yes or no. Yes, with an explanation. It could be no with an explanation. There could be a why. Or even the possibility of a maybe.

Cain and Abel

In the Bible, when brothers Cain and Abel brought their offering to the Lord, the Lord respected Abel and his offering, which came from his flock of sheep. His brother Cain also presented an offering to the Lord, which was fruit that came from the ground. The Lord did not respect Cain and his offering. Cain got very angry and his countenance (his face or features) “fell” as Scripture says.

In Genesis 4:7 (NKJV), Cain got instructions from the Lord. “If you do well will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you; but you should rule over it.”The instructions were direct and to the point. Cain, however, did have choice of free will. The choice Cain ultimately made has continued to affect mankind as much today as it did then.
He chose not to follow God’s instructions. In Genesis 4:8 it says “Now Cain talked with Abel his brother, and it came to pass, when they were in the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him”. God already knew what had happened but asked “Cain, where is Abel your brother?”  Then Cain used the line that has been used for centuries. Verse 9 says “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper? The Lord asks in verse 10 “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the Ground.

Voices cry out from the ground

How many voices, like Abel’s, cry out from the ground? Over time, there are too many voices to count that cry out. The voices of Trayvon Martin, Jonathan Davis, most recently and Renisha McBride cry out. Unarmed young people whose lives were lost to gun violence and laws allowing for deadly force to be used based on the assailant’s fear. Despite the confusion and chaos from these earthly laws, God hears those voices. Awareness through social media, non violent protests become voices to move the legal system to speak for these victims...

Australia is not a brother’s keeper

Here in Australia, refugees from war torn countries like Afghanistan, Iraq and even Syria risk their lives to come to settle where there is peace and no war. The current government, which just came into power, says “we will stop the boats”. These refugees come to Australia, risking their lives, but most will never step foot on the Australia soil. The “boat people” as they are called, are processed in detention centers off the Australia mainland. Most will be sent to Papua New Guinea as a result of this new “immigration” policy. Am I my brother’s keeper? If you are a refugee and expect Australia to be your “keeper, it is highly unlikely.

We as people can not exist alone or in divided groups. We all need one another. There are voices that are not in the ground, that are among the living that are crying out. When we are asked the question “Am I my brother’s keeper? Our answer should emphatically be “YES I AM!” Be blessed.

Keith Johnson is native of Minneapolis, Minnesota currently residing just outside Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. A mass communications graduate of Morehouse College and a elementary education trained teacher. Keith is a Christian, who believes "God's will" be done by "loving thy neighbor as thyself".

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