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Thursday, December 12, 2013

The words we speak echo


Image provided by: Dr. Diva Verdun
 Read: Ecclesiastes 5:2-3

Whatsoever a man sow that shall he reap.  Galatians 6:7


Do you remember as a child hearing your first echo?  The fascination of yelling hello and hearing the repeated sound was fun.  The echo returns to the sender what it hears. Paul told us of another type of “echo” when he said, whatsoever a man sow that shall he reap Galatians 6:7.

Harsh words hurt

Words we often speak or receive from family, friends, coworkers, and children can be harsh. They are sowed in the spirit and harvest hatred, anger, and quitters.  “You are just like your father, a failure, no good, an idiot.”  Those words reverberate like an echo stabbing and cutting the spirit deep. 

Children also echo their parents, repeating what they hear by inflecting words of destruction – “You are ugly, fat, and no one likes me.”  The tongue is powerful. Our words, positive or negative, once spoken into the universe, there is recourse – they will return as an echo.

The tongue is fire

The bible tells us the tongue is fire; it is evil and can corrupt the whole body. So, it is imperative to guard our lips for what we speak, our words can ruin a person.  In anger, a fit of rage or when disciplining children people say damaging expressions. Once spoken the words echo in the recipient’s mind. Watch the words that you say.

Echoes can be destructive and hard to stop. They negate what God has in store for a person.  They tear down God’s temples – the person. Only God can end the negative noise and unless he does individuals will live in a perpetual hell.   God will heal and help change speech by using loving, encouraging, uplifting, and words of blessings.

As stewards of what God has given us authority over meditate on your conversations. If you have spoken harmful words repent seek forgiveness and rebuild confidence in those harmed. If that child are friend is an adult it is not too late to rekindle the fire which was smothered by harsh echoes.


Eternal Father in Heaven, words I speak is manifested in the universe and the spirit. Your word states what a man sows he also shall reap. Help me to guard the words I say about myself as well as others.  May they be words to uplift, encourage, and bless. Rekindle the fire in my heart to see good in self and others and not bad. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your eyesight Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Amen! This ministered to me. Blessings to you.



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