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Sunday, December 31, 2023

The path of least resistance: It's a New Year of Opportunity



Read: Matthew 25:14-30

Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. Luke 13:24


Good Morning!

The path of least resistance refers to a person choosing the easiest course of action with minimal difficulty or unpleasantness. The comparison of the road most traveled to uncharted paths.

  Mediocrity has the power to kill the spirit when individuals settle for the path of least resistance and become complacent in certain areas of their lives, hindering them from pursuing their dreams, goals, and aspirations.

  For instance, consider the Parable of the Five Talents found in Matthew 25:14-30. The man with only one talent chose the easiest option. Instead of utilizing his "talent," he chose to become complacent and bury it. Simultaneously, the remaining individuals dedicated time to nurturing their existing skills. Was it difficult? However, despite their decision, they opted to prioritize the development of talents.

  "The Narrow Way" is another example that Jesus gave, as mentioned in Luke 13:23-30. During his teaching, Christ had many people who followed him, while only a few were his followers. The message and reward were appreciated by people, but they were unwilling to exert the effort required to acquire the prize. They also chose the path of least resistance.

 Living a life that is similar to Christ's can be difficult. Daily, we are engaging in a battle against sin. For us to enter the narrow gate to God, we must resist the temptation to take the path of least resistance.

 As we start the new year, let us combat complacency. Choose to revive those dormant dreams. Revisit your aspirations. Set new goals and incorporate seeking God into the process. 

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