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Saturday, December 23, 2023

It's A Wonderful Life, Who is your George Bailey?

Read: Matthew 5:1-12

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Romans 8:14

Good Morning!

During the season of holidays, it is a common practice for people to watch their favorite Christmas movies which can cover a range of classics and lesser-known works. I am confident that if we dedicate time to discussing our favorites, our list will be extensive and detailed!

 'It's A Wonderful Life' is the one movie I have been watching every year since I was a teenager. Even as a teenager, the movie resonated with me because of the many God-like messages it depicted. Every year, I notice new undertones of divinity  the film as I watch it.

 The main character George Bailey is James Stewart, who is an Oscar-winning actor. George Bailey was like any other young person with dreams and goals. George Bailey, even when he was young, was ambitious and wanted to be successful. Additionally, he was caring, kind, and loving. George Bailey carried these attributes with him throughout his lifetime. He continued to shine his light by offering assistance and showing compassion to his family, friends, and even to strangers. George Bailey could have represented the ideals of the Beatitudes perfectly.

 In Matthew 5:1-12, Jesus gathered his disciples together and imparted to them the teachings now known as the Beatitudes. Jesus also desires for us to imitate the same thing. His desire for us is to help the poor in spirit, grieve with others, maintain gentleness, show mercy, be pure in heart, and actively be peacemakers.

 George Bailey helped individuals struggling financially by providing them with low-interest loans as a means of uplifting their spirits. As a child, he shared Mr. Gower's sorrow when his son died in the war and consoled him after he mistakenly administered the wrong medication to a little girl. He selflessly gave up his own life to save his brother from drowning, and humbly relinquished his dreams and aspirations to allow his brother's success.

 It is not difficult to find ourselves in a state of mind similar to George Bailey in life. It is easy for us to quickly forget both the goodness that God has done for us and the kindness we have shown to others. However, we can recall all the things at which we were unsuccessful or the things we have lost in life along with every failure. Because of his thoughts, George Bailey found himself standing on a snow-covered bridge, ready to jump.

 Clarence the angel and friends were necessary to remind George Bailey of his true identity. The word informs us that if we exemplify the Beatitudes, we will receive comfort, inherit the earth, be shown mercy, behold God, and be called children of God.

 Many of us reside in various locations across the globe, rather than in the small town of Pottersville. For this holiday season, I hope you will find to reflect upon people who have played the role of George Bailey in your life. Make sure to take the time to call or text them and express your gratitude. Share with them what they did for you and express your gratitude towards them.

 We are unaware of the potential experiences they may be facing. But our main concern is ensuring that they do not make decisions on a bridge covered with snow during the late hours of the night.

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