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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Angels of Generosity The True Meaning of Christmas

Read: 2 Corinthians 9


When man gives from the heart, and not grudgingly God will make all grace and blessings abound toward them.  2 Corinthians 9: 7-8

Good Morning!

Christmas is meant to symbolize the arrival of Jesus Christ, the most significant gift ever bestowed upon humanity. God, in the form of a man, arrived on earth to reconcile our sins. His time on earth consisted of teaching humility, how to let our light shine in a dark world, how to give, and how to be a blessing to others.


 The joy of giving should not only be limited to a single day or a specific time of year; it should be integrated into our daily lives by seeking opportunities to positively impact others through kind words, actions, or deeds.


 Jesus Christ instructed his disciples that giving is more blessed than receiving. With the measure you use, it will also be measured to you, (Luke 6:38). Regrettably, it is common for us to hoard God's possessions instead of generously giving and sharing them with others, particularly those who are experiencing hardship. Despite what is commonly believed, everything on the Earth belongs to God. He has entrusted us with the responsibility of caring for the material possessions that we often hold dear. The possessions that God has given us to be good stewards over, we should share and give to others, not during the Christmas season but every single day.


 During this Christmas season, strangers from across the country have displayed numerous spectacular incidents of unexplainable altruistic behavior. For instance, consider the man who purchased McDonald's gift cards worth $500 in $25 intervals to give to families in need. The McDonald’s owner was inspired by this kind gesture so he matched the donation, giving half the gift cards to the local Food Bank and the other half to a local homeless shelter. Groups of young adults have established a consistent practice of providing food and clothing to the homeless within their circle of friends. Churches across the country like mine, Antioch A.M.E., have established food pantries that offer food and household supplies throughout the entire year.


 Random acts of kindness, also known as paying it forward, embody the true spirit of Christmas and should extend throughout the entire year, not just one month, by incorporating 365 days of sharing with others. The act of giving has the potential to spread easily from one person to another.


 Throughout the past year, there have been both enjoyable moments and probable difficulties, but regardless, we have been blessed.


 I challenge you to embrace the "I can't help it disease" and incorporate acts of kindness into your daily life, not just during Christmas time. Make it a regular part of your routine from now on. Being available as a vessel for giving to others. Take time to acknowledge the blessings that God has bestowed upon you and then share those blessings with others. Who can you bless today with this new mindset of giving?

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