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Friday, February 2, 2024

Obedience of Love is loving God

Read:  Luke: 5:1-11

If you love me, keep my commands. John 14:15
Good Morning!
Obedience is an expression of love. Jesus mentioned several times in the bible, "If you love me you will obey my commands."  In First John 5, we are also reminded that obedience is “ love for God that we obey his commands and his commands are not burdensome.”
At an early age, we are taught the importance of loving and obeying – parents, teachers, elders, and God. As years pass, we tend to forget the obedience of love for God.
 One of the first disciples to follow Jesus was Peter. Known for his impulsiveness, he cut off the soldier's ear and displayed his self-assertiveness by stepping out of the boat. Although Peter would sometimes comment without fully comprehending, he was always obedient to Jesus' requests. Peter was obedient from the start.
A skilled fisherman, Peter knew the waters well. Typically fishing at night, Peter and the other fishermen would cast their nets in the shallow waters where the fish migrated.  After a catchless night of fishing, Jesus arrives at the seashore. He tells Peter to go into the deep waters and cast their nets. Peter, an expert in fishing, told Jesus, "Master, we have toiled all night, but caught nothing." I will let down the nets because you say so.
Christians often get tangled up in our relationship with Christ. Due to our strong convictions, we sometimes believe we possess a superior understanding compared to God. We tend to question God and disregard the directions from the Holy Spirit, choosing to follow our own will instead of God's guidance.
 The way God works is truly amazing.  Peter’s obedience netted him the catch of a lifetime – boats so full they almost sank!
 In my spiritual journey, I constantly remind myself to heed and obey the soft voice of the Holy Spirit. Obedience is an expression of love. Obeying Jesus' commands, even when they don't make sense, is a reflection of our love for Him.

 Let us follow the commands of God, no matter how impulsive, self-assertive, ambitious, or quick to comment without full understanding, we need to be more like Peter.
Although Christians claim to love the Lord, their actions often contradict this sentiment. Showing God your love is not just about telling Him, but also about demonstrating it through your obedience.
Prayer: Father God, we thank you for your infinite love. We apologize for not consistently obeying your instructions. Acknowledging our love for you is to obey you. In Jesus' name,  Amen

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