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Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Gone Astray ; going astray does not mean you have to stay lost.

Read: Luke 15:11-32
The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. Psalm 145:9
Good Morning!
Going astray does not mean you have to stay lost from God. Getting back on course is possible through humility.

The average person has strayed off course at some point in life. Deviation from a diet plan, substance abuse, or alcoholism could be the cause. Whatever caused you to stray, reconciliation is made possible by God's grace and mercy.
Today's lesson is based on the well-known parable of a hot-headed son's desire to depart from home and claim his inheritance. The father obliges and gives him his inheritance in advance.
 The son quickly realized that life is more challenging when alone. Life could be better if only I stayed within my father's protective confines. Upon the son's return, the father warmly welcomes him back into their home.
But what happens if there is a relapse? After a few years of regaining his stride with life, the Prodigal starts to slip back into self-pity, doubt, sin, or the constant reminder of past failures from others. This causes a relapse and the desire to stray once again from the comfort of the father's embrace, plunging back into the abyss. Often, many people stray not just once, twice, or three times, but even thousands of times.
Amidst the noise, and chaos of the Prodigal straying once again, the Father's reminder echoes: I am here for you, I'm on your team. Call me if you need help, and I will do what I can. Amidst the struggles, the Father never loses his cool, never berates the Prodigal, but is ever-present, ready and willing to help, with open arms awaiting.
The beautiful thing about Our Father in Heaven, He knows we are not perfect. To always call upon him is what He desires for us to do, knowing that we all have our weaknesses, shortcomings, and temptations. Confess our sins to Him and have a repentant spirit like David; He will forgive us. 1 John 1:9 assures us that if we acknowledge and confess our sins, God remains faithful and just. He forgives our sins and purifies us from all unrighteousness. When we deny or hide our transgressions, we hinder our ability to prosper. Conversely, if we confess and strive to obey God, He will show us mercy.
Even the best of us can go astray. Don't try to do it alone when that time comes. Repent of your sins and find your way back to the Father, just like the Prodigal Son. The Father will rejoice with open arms as you have now returned home.

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