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Sunday, February 11, 2024

Let go of the past, Whatever you focus on you strengthen

Read: James 4:11-12

Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in our brother’s way. Romans 14:13
Good Morning!
Unkind words are frequently spoken toward others within our families, workplaces, and even in church settings. Criticism or slander can provoke anger, and contention, and cause individuals to cling to attacks.
Anger tied to the past is one of the most difficult things to let go of. The blame game, fueled by anger, breeds arguments and an unwillingness to forgive, ultimately destroying relationships.
 When new people join families, jobs, and churches, they often encounter a particular group of individuals who enjoy "filling them in" by speaking unkindly, criticizing, or slandering someone with whom they have a conflict.
 The Bible warns against speaking evil of our brother (James 4:3). In Romans 14:13, the word encourages us to refrain from judging each other and instead focus on resolving conflicts, rather than contributing to them.
 To resolve the cycle of attacks, when faced with such a situation, you can ask the person "Who hurt you?" Who disregarded you? "Who offended you?" No, it will not immediately resolve the issue. However, it has the power to prevent individuals from making critical remarks about others. also allowing the person to stop and think about their actions.
Whatever you focus on you strengthen. The words that come out of your mouth reflect what is in your heart. Take ownership of situations before blaming someone. Avoid engaging in arguments.
If faced with an argument, please maintain silence. Stop arguing and walk away. As you walk away offer a brief prayer to God.
Over time, we will encounter situations like these. Consciously, make an effort to let go of the past so that you can prevent the spread of similar issues like this.  The inability of not letting go of the past can be destructive, and it can harm relationships with God, the family, job, and church.

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