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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Self examination: lying to self

Inflated Ego
Read Psalm 69:1-5

O God, thou knows my foolish ways; and my sins are not hid from thee.  Psalm 69:5

 Good Morning!

We enjoy receiving recognition from others who commend us for our accomplishments, abilities, and expertise. Mentally, we celebrate by congratulating ourselves and exchanging high fives. Our thoughts are dominated by the ego, leaving little time for self-examination. We are full of pride, and self-love and never truly omitting to my sinful ways.


 I came across a story about an arrogant man who aimed to emphasize the significance of adhering to Christian values to a group of youths. Filled with pride, he inquired,  “Why do people call me a Christian?” After a prolonged silence, a young man responded, "Perhaps it's because they are not truly acquainted with who you are."

  Although criticism may not always be kind, taking the time to study what others say can help us uncover flaws in our character and testimony. Our self-image is singed by the truth that can burn like fire. Rephrased: Reconsider if you perceive yourself as generally correct and possess the "it factor". The commentary of God is stern, which declares that "Those who believe they possess knowledge, do not have the level of knowledge that they should," as mentioned in I Corinthians 8:2. We are so wrong. It is important to not only consider the critiques but also to allow the word of God to examine our hearts in order to identify any flaws and eliminate them.

  Look at yourself through the lens of God's word. Let the Holy Spirit examine your heart. It is humbly conceded that the person in question does not exist as per your belief, as the only goodness present within us is that of the Holy Spirit. Let us pray to explore our hearts every day, improve our nature, and allow the Holy Light of God to shine within us all. Let your true self shine through, free from any false pretenses or notions you may have of yourself.


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