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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Raindrops mixed with tears: God answers Prayers

If one member suffers all suffer together; if one member is honored all rejoice together. 1 Corinthians 12:26

God is still present
Raindrops got in my eyes this morning.  I was overjoyed; God answered a prayer.  Raindrops mixed with tears filled my eyes this morning I heard from a friend who was missing in action. 
Each time my brother in Christ created an illusion and disappeared my heart grew concerned.  I prayed and God showed up. 

Our Afflictions
My brother in Christ is no different than any of us he struggles with some aspect of life.  He, like others, is afflicted with personal thorns, unable to move forward in God’s purpose. During Paul’s ministry he experienced a “weakness” which obviously hindered or slowed progress. Being cognizant of it Paul asked God three times to remove the thorn. God’s reply, “My grace is sufficient for you, my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor. 7-10

Praying for the right things
When praying we generally focus on self rather than others. Asking for the desires of our heart, blessings, favors, and healing. Nothing wrong with lifting up a personal request but remember God restored Job’s fortunes when he prayed for his friends Job 42:10.  Surrounding us are people who are spiritually, emotionally and mentally paralyzed. They are in need of prayer.  Thank God the power of prayer can heal. 

Christian Walk
I cried this morning because God answers prayers.  During my Christian journey I now realize and understand the more I pray for others God is present. Frequent prayers for my wife, children, family, and the well-being of others supersede my desires. Take time to pray more for others.  Lift up your family, friends, strangers on the streets, Preachers, teachers, schools and government leaders. Call them out by name. Confess your sins to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. James 5:16

God knows your needs
Though prayers may appear to go unanswered, hearing from my friend
reassured me that God is real.  He knows what we need and he answers right on time.  As for my brother in Christ barriers are present in his life but he fathoms people are praying for him. As for me, each time I pray and hear from my dear friend, it is one more day I cry tears of joy that God is still present and answering prayers.  

Today, let us begin praying more for others and less for ourselves. 

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