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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Never Saw it Coming

God is truly amazing. You never know when God is going to place a blessing in your hand. It's that desire which you longed for but over time it fades into the sea of forgetfulness. 

Thirty-five years ago the desire was to become a radio disc-jockey. In part, I was the disk-jockey but radio never manifested.  The Souls Remedy Ministries made way for the opportunity to be part of a program by providing weekly affirmations. The weekly appearance gave me an opportunity to become co-host on a inspirational program - SOULFUL SUNDAYS; A PLACE CALLED SOULSVILLE. 

This week, God blessed and gave me my desire. I never saw it coming. The show that I enjoyed co-hosting has now become my show. It was given to me just like that! Nothing but God.

This my testimony. Once I started doing everything in honor and glory of God and not for my on gratification He blessed me with things I never saw it coming.

I invite you to listen to the weekly program Soulsville 

I welcome Artist, event promoters, authors who are in the process of marketing your product please contact me via email.

include: bio and event/product information

Good Morning! ~ Stop Relying on Man

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Seven Days of Grief

So they sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights, and no one spoke a word to him, for they saw that his grief was very great. Job 2:13

Job just encountered the greatest lost of his life; seven children perished, all worldly possessions destroyed and sickness consumed his body from head to toe.

For some reason society believes that we should console one another through word or speaking politically correct words of condolences.  Here we read how Job's friends consoled him during his grief - by sitting silent for seven days and seven nights.

Consider your friends and family grieving; opposed to words could you comfort them without speaking a word? Sit and meditate for one day or one hour.    
~The Souls Remedy

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