Happy New Year |
As an adult I often reflected on childhood accomplishments some were exciting while others I wish could be erased from memory. Today, I ponder 2012, how grateful I am of God’s blessings:
- A home to rest my head
- A job
- Good health
Many families faced evictions and no place to live. No matter how mundane the job I am blessed because unemployment and his first cousin – poverty and homeless – have visited someone’s door today. Decent health has covered me while others less fortunate are forfeited an opportunity to basic medical care.
As we live from day to day, it would be great to say there are no traumatic times – no sorrow or sadness – but that would be a lie. Our mind’s mirrors projects an image of everything good and bad. But what should resonate into memory are God’s blessings.
Reflections of 2012
Looking back over the past 362 days our nation experienced calamities, the loss of celebrities, friends, family, and the unknown. There were occurrences that did not turn out as anticipated – jobs, family matters, or life. As sorrow filled hearts and despite the outcome God still found favor by providing us with one more day of life! The key to a joyful life is to be thankful and praise God during the good or bad times. What reflections of gratitude do you have?
- Name 365 blessings - one for each day of the year
- 12 - one for each month of the year
- Learn to count your blessings one by one and praise God for them all
Shining bright in 2013
The dawning of 2013 will rise up soon. How are you preparing for a phenomenal year?
- Write down goals
- How do you plan to get there
- Who can you help reach their goals
Regardless how much rain has fallen remember it did not last always. Recant the sunny days in 2012 and may they shine bright like a diamond in 2013.
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