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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

No matter the world you live in


Life can be an arduous journey. Each person’s difficulty is different from the other person’s. Whatever the pain, Faith is what helps us trust God in difficult times. When facing hard times you need bible examples to hold on to. Moses,  like many of us, relied on his understanding opposed to God. Mose learned to trust God when there was no humanly possible way out. David was a mighty man of God who did many sinful things. Regardless of what he did, David did two things he knew how to repent and trust God even when life was not how he pictured it to be. The women with the issue of blood. Despite her pain she took a risk to trust God. The ultimate trust was Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego: trusting God no matter the outcome. We are living in unprecedented times. Livelihoods or in disarray from jobs, housing, food, and COVID is running rampant worldwide. Now more than ever, lean on God’s word. Faith is what helps us trust God in difficult times.


Sunday, July 19, 2020

Don’t let jealousy block your blessings

Pride and jealousy often go hand in hand. They cause a person to focus on insignificant things while losing focus on their blessings. Miriam was guilty of jealousy. The first sign of pride (ego) is when a person identifies some insignificant fault in others.  Miriam and Aaron talked against Moses because he married an Ethiopian (Num. 12:1). That was not the real reason of the jealousy. The bitterness was “Hasn’t he (God) also spoken through us?” (Num. 12:2). Jealousy causes people to resent others. In this case Miriam appears to resent Moses’s leadership. Jealously causes one to overlook the fact God blessed them with authority too - a prophetess and a priest. Don’t lose focus on what God put in your hand. Each gift or talent is important. Use it according to God’s will. How do we prevent ourselves from suffering Miriam’s dilemma? 

Seek God in every thought and action. Pray for Strength. Be Christ centered, God directed and spirit-minded before you act in all things. 

 Click to Read more on letting go of bitterness 👇🏾


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