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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Concealed Faith

Image by: Tigner J.
Survey an impaired person as they walk busy streets, calculating how and when to cross, listening out for danger all while managing to overcome many obstacles. It is in my option to believe that a sightless person has to have some form of faith! Miscalculate the number of steps one could fall, drop soap in the shower it may take a minute to locate it. Sure there are friends and Good Samaritans who may come to their aid but what happens on all the other dark and lonely days? I recall as a child a friend whose grandmother was deaf, blind, and could not talk. It was so amazing watching her move about without fear and communicate through sign language among her family.

I cannot imagine being blind living in a world of total darkness. Having to use my hands to feel through life and relying upon other senses to survive. Now, visualize yourself blind living in a world of total darkness, being taught to adjust in a new world of using your senses to maneuver through life? A countless number take for granted the ability to see, hear, taste, touch, walk and talk; it is not a guarantee to always have any of these aptitudes.

Applying this with a spiritual walk, scores of people rely on their own understanding and not trusting in the Lord with all their heart Proverbs 5. I’ve found myself experiencing situations from time to time, when I omitted God from my decision making and life became weary. The moment I choose to stand and wait on the Lord my verdict faired much better for me. Realize that our carnal mind cannot vision the out come so we need to learn on faith. Let us gain knowledge from people who are visually impaired. Discover the simple principle Christ attempted to teach his followers as well as all believers to walk by faith, not by sight 2 Corinthians 5:7.

Tigner J.


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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pebble of Gratitude

READ: Deuteronomy 8:12-14

Read:  Deuteronomy 8

 “Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments, His judgments, and His statutes which I command you today,. Deuteronomy 8:11


Good Morning!

If you think your problems are terrible, be assured that there is always someone who is going through a worse situation than you.

Frequently, individuals concentrate on their circumstances, obstacles or deficiencies instead of expressing gratitude to God for their blessings.

A man once had a pebble, and there is a tale about it. To constantly recall the abundant blessings, Grace, and Mercy of God, the man kept a stone in his pocket as a memento. Every time he picked up his keys or found loose change, he made sure to express his gratitude to God instead of complaining about his hardships.

Remember to always take a moment to express gratitude to God for the gift of a new day, good health, sustenance, and shelter. Many people get frustrated with life when their desires are not fulfilled, and they may start feeling abandoned by God.


In Deuteronomy chapter 8, it is explicitly stated to never forget the Lord. The purpose of this chapter was to refresh the memory of the Israelite children regarding their ordeal throughout the 40-year expedition. Their "stone in the pocket" moment occurred when they reached this chapter. The children were expected to heed all of God's commands and thoughtfully consider each one.


 There is a missing ingredient in the lives of so many individuals. It seems that individuals do not struggle with expressing their desires to God, yet they often make justifications for why they neglect to express gratitude towards God.


Try shifting your focus to giving more thanks and praise to the Lord. Make sure to take a moment to express your gratitude to God, no matter how hectic your schedule may be. Express gratitude to God during everyday activities like showering, brushing your teeth, or waiting in traffic. Alternatively, you can cultivate a gratitude-centered mindset by carrying a pebble in your pocket, serving as a constant reminder to praise and thank God.



Father God I am thankful for all your blessings.  I will praise and thank you more! in Jesus name. Amen.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Shampoo & Shoe Polish: The Rebirth

From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised. Psalms 113:3

For days, all eyes were glued on Reality TV, watching the rescue of 33 miners of Copiapo, Chile who were buried alive in a copper mine. We saw interviews from family members, distant relatives, and friends all hoping for a safe resurrection. Nearer the day of rising came the men asked for special items. The request where typical, tooth paste, brush, and socks however there were two items that caught my attention; shampoo & shoe polish. When asked, these men indicated they wanted to present themselves looking their best to their families. Wow, 69 days buried alive, not knowing if they would ever survive and what was most important to them was their appearance.

I perceived this action as a new beginning, cleansing, purging from a death back to life. Or could it be a sacrificial offering of themselves not only to family but to the state, country, world and most importantly God. Chile is Christian community which takes its religion seriously. So seriously most wore t-shirts inscribed with In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him Psalms 95:4. This miracle made way for two miners to give their life to Christ. "The people say, 'It is a miracle. Thank you, God."

There was a time in our society where people wanted to present themselves to God looking their best. Often a family would own one good church going outfit which was adorned during praise and worship time! No, your outward show is not a prerequisite for a person to experience a revival. What I am saying is we need find our own way to present ourself to God through word action or deed. For example, live by the old saying “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. Are your actions, words, or deeds, good in God’s eye sight? Are you praising him for the many blessing that are taken for granted? As stated by Rev., Dr. Stafford J. Wicker, “We are all blessed with more than two pair of shoes in our closets, a tooth brush, transportation, and food on our tables. There are people all over the world who would love to take any of our used items and would be happy!”

There is no right or wrong answer just food for thought. One has to believe that 33 men did not take they rescue for granted. They found it imperative to be clean and a blessing from God to be alive. This was the one way they could show their gratitude to God by requesting Shampoo & shoe polish!

Tigner Rand

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hero strikes twice to help others

Photo: Vino Wong - AJC
Our God is an awesome God! He is continuously performing miracles daily for us to see. For the doubters and nay-sayers here is an article "Hero strikes twice" that confirms that. Sure you can say it was luck, or this man was in the right place at the right time. However, according to Ali Robertson, not only has he been a Good Samaritan twice in two weeks he has also experienced many encounters in 53 years. Mr. Roberson states that "I just react."

Take time to watch God at work daily at work, home, school, city, and state He never stops performing tiny wonders. Just open your eyes and you will see them!

Also, make yourself available to be used as an instrument you never know when it is your time to be a blessing! Each morning I say this little prayer: Father God, if I can be a Blessing to someone today through word, action or deed put me in the place where you want me to be!
May this be an inspiration for you today!

Tigner J.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tracks of Life

Photo: Tigner J.
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.  Proverbs 22:6

Train tracks can be seen as a metaphor of life. The locomotive has rails to guide and keep it on course, a conductor who navigates the heavy load through turns, storms, tunnels, over bridges, as well as the darkness of night. Though rare, it is not uncommon for a train or part of its load to derail causing major delays in reaching the destination. Despite the fact that there is a disruption, the tracks are still in place which gives opportunity to clean up and continue the journey.

The same is applicable in the training of our children or young impressionable minds. If we guide and teach them in the way they should go based on a good foundation of life, God, Biblical and moral principles they will not stray far from it. The bible is the tool which is needed to develop and lay the tracks for life in which they should pass through. Sure some will stray off course however God, the conductor can pick up, dust off and place them back on the right track pointed in the precise direction.

This picture reminds me of how the Tracks of Life is a journey which can be a long and lonely expedition. However, preparation and training from Sunday School teachers, parents, educators and adults all can assist in molding and shaping lives so they cannot depart far from God’s foundation.

You may feel that your training is in vain don’t give up and don’t let go. Just as the Little Engine who thought he could so can you! It took time for the Little Engine to build up speed for pulling the heavy load so like wise don’t stop teaching. Seize every moment to develop your children so they to can stay the course of life. Stay in encouraged, keep them covered with your prayers and in time, God the Father will not allow them to stray far from the truth!

Tigner J.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

The Good Samaritan

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.
Luke 10:25-37

Willing to help others
Daily we have encounter homeless and displaced families. In some cases, these are our neighbors who should be loved and cared for. Nevertheless, it is safe to say we are not moved with compassion to heal their pain. 

I am aware it is impossible to aid and assist all however we can be Christ like and find an individual to lend a hand based on our abilities.

The Good Samaritan story is a powerful illustration of how people should meet the need of others. Jesus told the story of a man who was jumped and left for dead. The man traveled the road of Maale Addumin which was a noted location where thieves and robbers often attacked travelers. There were two men; a Priest who crossed the road when he saw the injured man and a Levite who dismissed the fact the man was in need of help. It was the Samaritan who went near and was moved with pity and kindness to bandage the man’s wounds.

When faced with danger and pit falls in life learn to remove bias opinions lend a helping hand to the  disenfranchised. Find it in your heart to live as scripture state: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind; and your neighbor as yourself. Luke 10:25

Put aside prejudice thoughts and show love toward one another by sacrificing time, money and energy to heal the spiritual, physical. and emotional needs of others.

Be as the Good Samaritan show mercy to neighbors and friends.

If there is a need fill it
If there is a hurt heal it.



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