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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Life is like baseball Don’t be afraid to swing or strikeout

Read: Galatians 6:7-10
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Good Morning! 
We encounter both positive and negative situations in life. Approaching them differently can make a difference.

 Life can be likened to any sport on different levels. Achieving requires discipline, listening, and persevering. The outcome of the game can be determined by the athlete's 

Baseball, for example. Every player, at some point in the game, must step up to Homeplate and take their turn. Each day in life is like a fresh start at Homeplate. We never know what pitch is going to be thrown at us - fastball, curveball, slider, or the deceptive knuckle ball.

Guess what?  To avoid striking out, we have two options: swing the bat or stand by and watch every pitch go by.  

So often we try to swing big aiming to hit a home run or grand slam. But we often overlook the fact that scoring runs in baseball is not solely dependent on hitting home runs. You can achieve the same runs by hitting singles, doubles and being diligent.

 In whatever you are facing or attempting, remember to be diligent, put in the necessary work, and never give up. If we don't, our appetite will never be filled, as Proverbs 13:4 reminds us of the sluggard's nature.
Rules govern our lives. To achieve our goals or desired outcome, we may either take shortcuts or resort to cheating. According to 2 Timothy 2:5, only those who abide by the rules can attain the victor's crown, just as athletes do in competition. In a God-like manner and for the glory of God, do all things.

 Fun is not associated with training only pain. Study your craft and train accordingly. Training in baseball can be painful; however, it is essential for achieving success. Discipline, as Hebrews 12:11 teaches, results in a harvest of righteousness and peace for individuals who undergo training.

 In life, do not grow weary. Keep your eye on the ball as you stand at Homeplate. Swing without fear. There will always be another turn at bat, even if you strike out. 

By consistently putting in effort and staying persistent, you will harvest success in due time with singles and doubles and scoring a winning run!

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